
Alcohol consumption update

Forty five days had passed when I reassessed my drinking habits and it's been one hell of a ride. I know, talking about it in my blog is easy but actually doing it in reality is another story. It really ain't easy, in fact, the night after I wrote that blog about minimizing drinking alcoholic beverage, I had 3 bottles before sleeping. Talk about not living what you are preaching. In 45 days, I had a drink in half of those days, meaning a drink every other day. That's a lot of drinking considering I am working out, having my master's degree, and a 6-day-a-week work. No wonder I missed days just being in my room lying down and watching television. Having a log of my drinking days, number of bottles and reasons I was drank is very helpful and I found out a lot of things. First, although I was drinking half of the time, the amount of beer I was consuming was significantly going less than I was usually consuming before this resolution. Maybe it was a conscious effort on my p...

Beer, can I ever say goodbye to you?

So Here I am at my office, very excited to start weight lifting again tomorrow. I will be working rather late tonight, get a very good sleep, I am hoping I can sleep up to eight hours, and then kick off the day with a prayer of thanksgiving. I am just upbeat now that I want to go home and start working out. I feel like a child in a playground. Well, actually, this blog is not about my exercises, I am just so hooked to it that I can get back to working out in a snap like I haven't been away. This is about my love, my addiction, my craving, my thirst for a liquid called BEER... My day began with nothing unusual happening. A couple of texts, favorite hot coffee, and an Eagles concert playing in my entertainment center. Nothing out of the extraordinary, dull life huh? Then around noon, a very close confidant talked to me about my beer binges. Appalling as this my sound, but it has taken over my life. Since April, I've really been drinking a lot. I don't want to accept the fact ...

Getting back on the Horse!

It's been 6 months since my last post so pardon me if I come off a bit rusty and out of tune. I just fell off the horse, metaphorically, of course. I haven't had the time to do my workouts lately and unfortunately I've been drinking almost everyday and eating very unhealthy. I just endured the toughest 2 months of my life and most probably the most daunting ordeal a man can experience. Dealing with a failed marriage is just disheartening and takes a lot out of a determined bodybuilder, and I am not even one, so that makes it even harder. Well don't expect me to go into details regarding my marriage circus, this is actually a health blog not a counseling blog hehehe. I am slowly gaining my confidence and passion for exercising and living healthy. In fact, I will be back to lifting damn irons starting next week! Getting back to riding the horse again... I still have the nagging pain on my right shoulder after every basketball game or if I exert too much effort on it. I k...

Cleaning my Act!

Hey! I'm back and so is my tummy! LOL! (for those not so internet savvy, LOL means Laughing Out Loud, oh why not just type hehehe? would have conveyed same message, right? whatever!) I am done with my bulking phase and I must say I gained a bit of muscle and a lot of fat around the waist. I've been eating a lot and sad to say been drinking a lot too! But for whatever reason the scales says I only gain around 5 lbs, so that puts me around 155ish. I would love to continue gaining some muscle but the gut on my waist is just too disgusting to look at and I really want to see my abs so I decided to alter my plans. I will be doing cardio seriously and cut my calorie intake for two weeks in hopes of getting rid of the fat. I will be taking BCAAs to hold on the minuscule muscle I gained so far. From then I will be bulking again but this time do it with clean diet and no alcohol consumption. My sister sent the supplements I ordered and so far they're quite good and looks promising...

Truth About FAT

F ats are by far the most efficient energy storage form. They have vario us functio ns in the body including providing energy for ce lls, controlling what goes in and o ut of cells, determining the inte grity of nervous tissue an d helping to form hormones. Fat is an important and necessary part of a healthy diet (even a weight loss diet). One of the most impo rtant functions of fat is it s role in aiding the absorption of fat-soluble Vitamins A, E, D, an d K. Without fat, your body can't use these vitamin s to unloc k their health benefits. Though protein foods will m ake you feel full for the longest, fat f ollow s closely behind. A meal with a bit of fat and protein can help you feel full and take your mind off food, ultimately giving you greater control over the amou nt of calories you eat. There are many differe nt types of fats and they can be conveniently divide d into four main catego ries: saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and trans fatt...

Welcome 2008!

Happy New Year!!! 2007 was a great year for me, I was able to shed 60 lbs of fat and say goodbye to that poisonous cigarette. With that achievement, year 2008 poses a more serious challenge in the sense that I have to make strides to somehow outdo or just even be at par with my accomplishments for the past year. This year of the Rat started quite good for me as I am back with my workouts using loads same as that of which I used to workout with prior to my hand injury last October, and I am slowly but surely pumping heavier loads as I try to bulk up. I think I did fairly good in the last two weeks of December 2007. As expected, the last fortnight of the year came with food, booze and sleepless nights. It's a nightmare for someone treading on the threshold of loosing that poundage forever and gaining it back, and more. Countless studies show that 80 percent of people losing that excess baggage gain it back and then some, starting on the yuletide holidays. I am one of those who gain ...

Pre-Christmas Workout Intensity

It's exactly 50 days ago when I injured my right hand and I tried working out today with the help of my personal spotters hehehe. You guys know who you are. Many thanks! Actually, it's not a full workout, I only did squats, about 60% of the load I was doing before my injury; also did dumbbell press but only on my left hand. I also did a little leg extensions and cardio. All in all, it's a great workout in the sense that I was actually using my barbell and dumbbells again! I just missed the feeling after workouts and to feel it again today, albeit not that much, it's just exhilarating! I had the latest x-ray results of my hand last week and although it still is fractured (according to the doctor who read the film, are they doctors? LOL), there are visible callus formations which for your information, are what we see as woven bone in x-ray films usually about 6 weeks from injury. This is eventually replaced by a mature "lamellar" bone. So I decided to forgo wit...